Saturday, November 20, 2010

She's got the look

I have often thought of writing a post but thoughts are seldom put into words. 
I overheard Amelia talking to James:  if Mom were a food, she'd be a doughnut.  If she were  a number, she'd be googleplex.   I think this meant really good stuff.
This from the girl who totally hated me the day before.  She spent the entire ride to church yelling about how she'd never come to see me when she's a grown up because she hates me so much.  She's moving to Austrailia.  This behavior was similar to, but not to be confused with the boys who were screaming about moving to Africa when they grow up because they hate me (and baths) so much.  They have the misguided opinion that they have not invented baths in Africa. 

I was out visiting teaching Thursday night and my companion and I were talking about stuff and she said "you know that 'mommy look,' the one that mom's give their kids and the kids know they are in trouble, so the sit up a little bit straighter and quiet down?" I have often heard of this look and wondered how I could get one because if the kids are Licking the pews or wrestling on the bench, I'd love to have a look that would stop them in their tracks.  So I acknowledged that I have heard of the mommy look and wished I could do it.
Akward pause.  "oh no.  You're really good at it.  You mean you didn't know you do that?!  Yours is good."
I think I died laughing when she said that.  I guess it's my hidden talent.
When I got home, I found that my new found mommy look had been required in my absence.  Gary's brother Dave had returned from his mission that day and they wanted to have a Skype chat.  I really wanted to be there for it, but VT took longer than I thought it would.  I hoped they would still be talking when I got back, but no, the boys were in bed and Amelia was just finishing her native american chickee (dwelling) that was due the next day.  I was so thankful her project was done, the dishes were done and the house was quiet. I could tell Gary had been working hard in my absence.  (Not that these things are good indications of hard work- if the baby had cried nonstop, he couldn't have done any of those things, but he still would have worked hard.) I asked how the call had gone.   Not good.  The kids were super crazy and after 5 minutes, Dave called it quits.  Hopefully this weekend we can try again.  I'll use my new talent: death ray glare and we'll see just how effective it is (or isn't.)

1 comment:

The Bunker Family said...

That is too funny! I might have to learn a thing or two from you...