Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Amelia wrote a poem, to mail into the Friend Magazine.
What Jesus Did

Jesus once was on the earth.
He started there by birth.

He grew to be a big, strong man.
He taught people in every land.

He taught people to do good.
He taught people the best he could.

He taught us to love everyone.
We know he is God’s begotten son.
Here's the one she didn't want me to send in to the Friend:

Things I learned in church:

1. Heavenly Father dose not love me. Plus everybody else.

Sigh. I think the first one is a more true representation of her feelings, but she does like to stir things up.

1 comment:

Jake said...

That's the second kid for you - they seem to be like that (my brother and our second being two other examples).