Saturday, March 23, 2013


Well, here it is the end of March and I have not been the good blogger I hoped to be.

I've had funny moments to share, like the time I told Rachel it was time to go buy gas. She got all excited until she found out it was for the car instead of her bottom.  She gets a good chuckle everytime she toots and thought it was the best thing ever that you could BUY gas. 

I've had proud moments, like last weekend when James starred as Charlie Bucket in the middle school production of Willy Wonka.  I was so impressed with his natural ability to capture that role.  He's a great singer too.  My favorite moment was watching his face during his last performance as he went out for a final bow.  He went through a wide range of emotions in that moment.  I think only his mom could see them all.  The relief at having done a hard thing, the joy at receiving recognition for it, and maybe a twinge of sad that the experience was coming to an end. 

I've had crying moments, like the week where Rachel had hiB- something we're all vaccinated for, but for some reason she got it anyway.  That was a crying week and a cuddling week for her .  Like when James turned 12 and I cried that my first baby was too big.

I've had heartsick moments, when James' mouse died- 9 days in to the experience.  Those were my tears- I don't know how we managed to kill it, but I felt so bad.  Hopefully Mouse 2.0 will last a lot longer. 

I've had sleepless moments, like last night where Jonny barged in every 40 minutes to flip on the lights and yell- "I just can't take it anymore!"  Yep- he's sick.  Half past midnight, I broke the news to him, I had maxed him out on pain relievers and he could either watch a movie to distract himself or I could read him a story until he fell asleep.   He left and two minutes later handed me a set of scriptures.  I read him a couple of chapters from Ecclesiates and he was out.  My heart was warmed that he chose the word of God for comfort at that time. 

I've had relieving moments, like when I took the kids to the allergist and found out Simon is no longer allergic to dairy (just cats, weeds and mold) and Mia is allergic to strawberries and coconut (and trees.)  It's great to have Simon on dairy- he loves real cheese and I now have more options when I cook.  And having Mia off strawberries and coconut has greatly improved the condition of her skin, something that has bothered her for years. 
Another relieving moment watching the food donations come together for the Annual Spaghetti dinner at the elementary school.  I was begging local restaurants for donations for months and it was so hard to get them to commit, but in the end the Lord poured out his blessings and we had enough. 

I've had frazzled moments that I can't describe because I can't even remember what set them off.  But I can pretty much guarantee there was pants pooping involved.

I've had snooping moments, like when I listened in on James and Mia having a conversation- I even let them stay up late to finish because I couldn't believe they were actually talking to each other.  And of course they were having a hearty critique of my parenting style.  (yeah she pretty much thinks she's a queen...)  But hey- at least they were agreeing on something. 

I've had moments where I get to spray my kids with homemade veggie water.  That's my new solution to name calling.  It kind of works.  Right now, I've got a vial of beet juice.  Bonus is, even if it does not stop the name calling, it acclimates my children to the taste of vegetables.  (so far celery and green beans are "toxic waste" and beets and cabbage turned out to be popular)
When I was at Costco today, all of the kids came too.  As we picked up items and "snacked around" one of the sample ladies asked if they were all my kids.  I said yes and she exclaimed "but you are so sexy!" in that moment I really hoped that her accent was thick enough that no one else understood.  She continued on that maybe I should have 5 more kids.  As soon as we were out of ear shot, James asked why I didn't spray her mouth with beets.  I wondered that too, sort of.

I've had girly moments, like when I used a flat iron for the first time.  I always wondered how the other girls at church had smooth straight hair.   Now I know!  Mia and I are still undecided over whether sleep or beauty is more important.  Did I just say that out loud?! Another girly moment involved learning that there is something called "day 2 hair."   I saw it on a few different hair do ing websites and I wonder if it's a nice way to say "unwashed hair" or is it something else?  Sigh-  34 and just hitting the tip of the ice berg on being a girl. 

I've had sweetheart moments, doing the foxtrot in the kitchen with my hubby when the kids are in bed.  He melts my heart every time!

I've had spiritual moments: when James received the Aaronic Priesthood and when he couldn't wait to tell me all about going to do temple baptisms for the very first time.  Special times.

Lots of growing and changing going on around here.  I just can't wait for more precious moments.